
Infrastructure and Services - News


Serviciile RENAM ca suport al digitalizării în domeniul educației și cercetării 19/10/2022

Serviciile RENAM ca suport al digitalizării în domeniul educației și cercetării

Pe data de 11 octombrie 2022 în cadrul atelierului „Digitalizarea – motor de accelerare a dezvoltării și creșterii economice a Republicii Moldova: prezentări, discuții libere și schimb de opinii” specialiștii RENAM Alexandru Cacean, Valentin Pocotilenco și Nicolai Iliuha au prezentat serviciile RENAM ca suport al digitizării în domeniul educației și…

Преимущества модернизации соединения GÉANT-RENAM для науки и образования в Молдове 27/07/2022

Преимущества модернизации соединения GÉANT-RENAM для науки и образования в Молдове

Модернизация соединения между RENAM, национальной научно-образовательной сетью Молдовы, и GÉANT была недавно проведена в точке присутствия сети GÉANT в Кишиневе. Модернизация удвоила пропускную способность сети RENAM с 2×10 Гбит/с до 2×20 Гбит/с и стала возможна благодаря проекту EaPConnect, который финансируется ЕС. RENAM (наряду с GRENA, ASNET-AM, URAN и AzScienceNet) является…

New OCRE Call for Funding Launched 19/05/2022

New OCRE Call for Funding Launched

The EC-funded OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) project has a remaining budget of approximately €6.5 million (including VAT), intended to be distributed across both Cloud and Earth Observation services. The OCRE project will procure services on behalf of awarded research projects in accordance with the rules governed by its…

Второе национальное мероприятие по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe успешно прошло в Молдове 12/05/2022

Второе национальное мероприятие по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe успешно прошло в Молдове

«Имея успешные примеры открытого доступа, остается определить конкретные меры в области открытых данных и открытого сотрудничества с привлечением всех заинтересованных сторон в обществе» – таков был лейтмотив второго национального мероприятия по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe в Молдове, состоявшегося 5 мая 2022 года. В этом трех с половиной часовом онлайн-мероприятии приняли участие…

Второе национальное мероприятие по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe в Молдове – регистрация открыта 25/04/2022

Второе национальное мероприятие по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe в Молдове – регистрация открыта

5 мая 2022 года состоится второе национальное мероприятие по распространению информации NI4OS-Europe в Молдове. Это мероприятие является частью серии национальных мероприятий в области открытой науки, организованных в рамках проекта NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – Национальные инициативы для открытой науки в Европе) специально для участников из Молдовы.…

Call for Proposals for Accessing NI4OS-Europe Services 12/04/2022

Call for Proposals for Accessing NI4OS-Europe Services

This call enables researchers from Europe to obtain access to the advanced services, which have been on-boarded on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with the support of NI4OS-Europe project. Throughout the open call, all research teams participating in the call are expected to harmonize the management of their data…

EOSC Platform Early Adopter Programme 02/04/2022

EOSC Platform Early Adopter Programme

The EOSC Platform Early Adopter Programme offers a rich set of resources and expertise to research communities and service providers. It specifically looks to support use cases in need of EOSC resources from different disciplines or e-infrastructures and the integration of new services into the EOSC-Core. The programme is aimed…

GÉANT Association Statement on the Russian Aggression 05/03/2022

GÉANT Association Statement on the Russian Aggression

At the heart of all scientific collaboration are open lines of communication. At GÉANT, we are proud of our European and international connectivity reach supporting research, education, and innovation across Europe and internationally. And, at all times, it is important to us to keep connectivity with our partner Research and…

EaPConnect Cybersecurity Workshop II International collaboration, knowledge exchange and information sharing 18/02/2022

EaPConnect Cybersecurity Workshop II International collaboration, knowledge exchange and information sharing

Today’s cybersecurity services protect both the networks and services from malicious attacks, but also help secure individual users on the networks. Because of the events that have been affecting our world in 2020 we have all become more digitally dependent. There has never been a more challenging time for security…

EaPConnect Cybersecurity Workshop – Register to participate! 26/01/2022

EaPConnect Cybersecurity Workshop – Register to participate!

An Online Cybersecurity Workshop, organized by the EaPConnect project in cooperation with GÉANT, GRENA, DFN and the CyberEDU project, will take place on February 9-10, 2022. Experts from EU, Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and the US will share their experience and best practices in Cybersecurity and invite to discuss and explore the topics and opportunities…