
Infrastructure and Services - News


RENAM’s 25th Anniversary: a milestone in digital connectivity and collaboration October 18, 2024

RENAM’s 25th Anniversary: a milestone in digital connectivity and collaboration

The international conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence in National Research and Education’ celebrating RENAM’s 25th anniversary was held on 8 October 2024 at Moldova State University in Chișinău. The Regina Maria hall, illuminated by natural sunlight streaming through its large windows, created a welcoming atmosphere for about 100 participants…

New possibilities for international collaboration October 11, 2024

New possibilities for international collaboration

On October 9, 2024, Alex de Leeuw, Chief Financial Officer at GÉANT, Irina Matthews, ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’ Project Manager, Petru Bogatencov, Chair of the Management Board at RENAM, and Anatol Goncearuc, Executive Director at RENAM, visited Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University in Chisinau (UPSC). Members of…

International conference for the 25th anniversary of RENAM – Registration is open September 9, 2024

International conference for the 25th anniversary of RENAM – Registration is open

We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence in National Research and Education’, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the National Research and Education Network RENAM, organised by RENAM Association, Moldova State University and the pan-European academic network GÉANT with the support of the…

Academia de Științe a Moldovei a marcat 63 de ani de la fondare June 17, 2024

Academia de Științe a Moldovei a marcat 63 de ani de la fondare

La 12 iunie 2024 Academia de Științe a Moldovei (AȘM) a organizat ședința festivă pentru a sărbători 63 de ani de la fondare. Ședința festivă s-a desfășurat în format mixt, cu prezență fizică în Sala Azurie a AȘM și online. La ședința festivă au participat personalități din țară și de…

RENAM expands the eduroam service in Moldova: now also in Taraclia June 7, 2024

RENAM expands the eduroam service in Moldova: now also in Taraclia

RENAM continues to expand the eduroam service throughout the country. At present the Gregory Tsamblak State University in Taraclia can benefit from eduroam. Internet access in the premises of this university is now easily available and secure in the study areas and at the students’ dormitory. During February-March 2023 there…

RENAM participated in the Career Fair at the Centre of Excellence in Energy and Electronics March 26, 2024

RENAM participated in the Career Fair at the Centre of Excellence in Energy and Electronics

On March 22, 2024, the Career Fair for graduates of technical vocational education institutions took place at the Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics in Chisinau, organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research. This Career Fair allowed the Moldovan economic agents and companies to present…

Notice regarding OCRE/GÉANT 2020 IaaS+ framework adoption in Moldova March 18, 2024

Notice regarding OCRE/GÉANT 2020 IaaS+ framework adoption in Moldova

As you know, RENAM (the Moldovan NREN) took part in the framework initially as an Underwriter. After discussions between GÉANT and RENAM, we’ve decided that Moldovan participating institutions can use the framework through the Referrer model. Initially the Referrer cost recovery fee will be 0%. As per the framework contract,…

RENAM service catalogue available in electronic format January 11, 2024

RENAM service catalogue available in electronic format

In RENAM, the national research and education network, the modern electronic communications infrastructure and services to support research and education activities in the Republic of Moldova are constantly being developed. Now, the RENAM service catalogue is available for download in PDF format (in Romanian). The catalogue contains services grouped into…

RENAM contributes to an integrated Moldovan-Romanian cross border communication system creation December 29, 2023

RENAM contributes to an integrated Moldovan-Romanian cross border communication system creation

On December 15, 2023, at the Digital Park in Chisinau, a conference dedicated to the completion of the project ‘Communication Infrastructure’ funded by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) under the Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 ‘Development of cross border transport and ICT…

GÉANT Innovation Programme 2024 – Submit Your Ideas! December 18, 2023

GÉANT Innovation Programme 2024 – Submit Your Ideas!

The GÉANT Innovation Programme is a unique opportunity to enable initial development, establish a proof of concept or testing of new ideas, with lightweight, administrative constraints. Its new open call was launched on December 13, 2023, looking for specific research projects of up to EUR50k, for a max duration of…