
Association Statute

Confirmed by the Constituent
Assembly of Public Association
June 22, 1999

Registered by the Ministry of Justice
of the Republic of Moldova
date 05 August 1999
No 1089


I. General propositions

  1. Public Association “RENAM” (further Association “RENAM”) is a non-governmental, non-commercial and non-profit organization, established in the form of the public institution, carrying out its activities in conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, with legislation of the Republic of Moldova, currently in force, with international norms and conventions, with the present Statues, aimed at public benefit.
  2. Public Association “RENAM” activities has as its principal purpose constant development of communication and information infrastructure of the scientific and educational community of the Republic of Moldova.
  3. Association “RENAM” is a republican association with unlimited term and develops its activities on the whole territory of the Republic of Moldova, with the right to establish its branches both in the Republic and abroad. The Association and its branches develop their activity in close cooperation with state and public organizations, with other public associations and societies in the Republic and abroad, which purposes do not contradict to the Association aims.
  4. The Association may be a member of other institutions, equal in rights with various international non-governmental and public societies, establishing contacts and direct connections with them, concluding corresponding agreements.
  5. The Association has a right to possess mass-media means to distribute information concerning its activities and other information.
  6. The Association has a right to develop economic activity to satisfy its needs in conformity with the legislation currently in force.
  7. The Association is a juridical person, has its own bank accounts (both the state and foreign currency), seal and symbolism.
  8. Juridical address of the Public Association “RENAM”:

Kishinev, av. Stefan cel Mare, 168, office 314,
tel.: (+37322) 24-80-97, 49-70-22, 73-87-63,
fax: (+37322) 49-70-22, 72-70-26
E-mail: renam@renam.md

II. Goals and duties

  1. creation of modern information medium for scientific and educational community of Moldova:
  2. creation of conditions necessary for constant development of research and education networks in collaboration with scientific, research and education institutions, other co-interested organizations;
  3. providing broad access to national and international information resources;
  4. continuous informatization of higher education, science, other national and international economical branches, agents and organizations;
  5. implementation of different national and international projects in the domains of information technologies development;
  6. collaboration in the programs of planning and implementation of national policies in the fields of scientific, educational and industrial data exchange;
  7. collaboration with international organization in similar fields of activities as of RENAM Association (e.g.: TERENA, RIPE, CEENET, etc.);
  8. organizing and development of specialized short-term training courses and re-qualification courses in the domains of informatics, computer science; development of curricula in the above domains;
  9. expertise and consulting services production in the fields of data communication and computer networks; development and implementation of information systems;
  10. participation in development of legacy acts, recommendations and standards in the fields of computer networks, communications, information technologies;
  11. implementation of national and international projects in the domain of national information resources creation, development of information technologies and computer networks;
  12. second level Internet domains name administration for scientific an educational institutions of Moldova;
  13. collaboration with different national and international organizations, that are providing corporate network services in order to improve the level of quality of services for members of research and education community of Moldova;
  14. other similar activities that do not contradict to current Statute and with legislation currently in force.
  1. develops and implements projects, technical basis and programs, databases and knowledge networks;
  2. provides a base, which is necessary for informatization of universities and other scientific and education institutions, public institutions, economic agents;
  3. provides on the contract base information services in the field of scientific research and education, to governmental institutions and to economic agents.

III. Participants (members) of the association

  1. RENAM Association is open and accessible for collaboration with juridical and physical persons, interested in development of information technologies for research and education.
  2. Participants (members) of RENAM Association can become physical and juridical persons, that agree with and support basic goals of the Association and are ready to contribute to its development, and to use its services;
  3. Participant (juridical person) of the Association must appoint a physical person as a delegate, responsible for implementation of participant’s functions.
  4. The position of Participant is fixed by decision of Council of the Association that is produced after examination of participant’s written application. The Council of the Association is responsible on decision making concerning including of target delegate of Participant (juridical person) in the list of the Council members of the Association.
  5. Participants (members) of the Association have following rights:
    1. to take part in activities of the Association;
    2. to express opinion on problems rising from activities of the Association and to propose solutions for improvement of its activity.
  6. Participants (members) of the Association are obliged to follow rules established by current Statute and other official regulations of the Association, to contribute in active mode to achievement of goals declared by current Statute.