
RENAM Network Structure

RENAM network is providing services for scientific and educational organizations, personal members of scientific – educational community of Moldova.

Now networking infrastructure for science and education have begun actively developing in Moldova. A support of international organizations and foundations helps to promote this process. Projects connected with the development of Academic information infrastructure in Moldova have been sponsored by:

At the moment, more than 80.000 users, working in more than 30 organisations, make use of RENAM facilities. 20.000 workstations, personal computers and 100 servers operate in the net. RENAM has peering agreements with some principal Internet Service providers in Moldova.

Network structure of RENAM is hierarchical and consists of two main levels:

The MAN Backbone consists of fiber optics, cooper wired and wireless segments, interconnected through Cisco routers. Campus-level access networks are presented by ensembles of Ethernet LANs owned by institutions connected to Backbone.

RENAM network is provided by a number of fast and reliable external links:

Main External connections

Gigabit European Academic Network (GÉANT) is a pan-European multi-gigabit data communications network, reserved specifically by European Commission for research and education use. It creates the biggest interconnected community of scientists and academics in the world.

GÉANT network provides access to a great number of international technical and scientific informational resources and specialized services.