We invite you to participate in the International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence in National Research and Education’, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of RENAM, the Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova.
This event is a significant opportunity for participants to learn about the newest developments and successful projects in the area of Research and Educational Networking and e-Infrastructures, to get into contact with experts in the field, as well as to network with colleagues and to meet new collaborators.
The conference will be held on 3 October 2019, 09:00-16:00, in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (room F203, 2nd floor, Building F, 59 Banulescu-Bodoni Street, Chişinău), and organized with the support of the EU funded EaPConnect project.
The conference agenda is under development and will include both contributed presentations by GÉANT Association, NRENs from Romania, Ukraine and Poland and leading experts from Moldova.
Please register via the following link:
Registration is open until 30 September 2019, room capacity is limited and participation are subject to approval by the Organizing Committee.
If you require additional information about any aspect of the conference please contact us by email events@renam.md.
We look forward to welcoming you in October!
Organizing Committee of the
International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence
in National Research and Education’