
RENAM network associated projects

RENAM Association and institutions–members of the networking Association are participants of a lot of national and international research and development projects, which requires computers data-intensive applications.    

RENAM is a participant in these Projects and Programs:

Reference Code Project Title Years of realization
National Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects
21.70086.9ȘD Investigation and elaboration the integrated infrastructure of the unified environment “cloud computing” to support Open Science 2021-2022
European Commission
101100680 GN5-1 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT (GN5-1) 2023-2024
857645 National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe (NI4OS-Europe) 2019-2022
856726 GN4-3 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT (GN4-3) 2019-2022
731122 GN4-2 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT (GN4-2) 2016-2018
675121 VRE for regional Interdisciplinary communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean (VI_SEEM) 2015-2018
691567 GN4-1 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT (GN4-1) 2015-2016
605243 Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services (GN3plus) 2013-2015
261499 High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities 2010-2012
261323 European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe 2010-2014
228052 South East European Research Area for eInfrastructures (SEERA-EI) 2009-2012
RI211338 SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience (SEE-GRID-SCI) 2008-2010
031775 South-Eastern European GRID-enabled elnfrastructure Development 2 (SEE-GRID-2) 2006-2008
026617 Distributed Optical Geteway from Eastern Europe to GEANT (Porta Optica Study) 2006-2007
IST-2001-37676 TRaining of IST multipliers and Awareness Nurturing in the 3rd Countries of EAST and South East Europe (NIS) 2003-2005
IST-1999-14106 New Methods of Working for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Commonwealth of Independent States 2001-2003
SU 1116 (ET) Support for Telematics Applications Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States (STACCIS) 1996-1998
European Commission, Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes
ENI/2019/407-452 EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect) 2020-2025
2015-356353 Eastern Partnership Connect (EaPConnect) 2015-2020
2.3.1. 77580.343
MIC-ETC 2632,Nr. 48956/18.06.2013
CULTURe EXchange Platform (CULTUR-EXP) 2013-2015
“Experimental Deployment of an Integrated Grid and Cloud Enabled Environment in BSEC Countries on the Base of g-Eclipse” (BSEC gEclipseGrid) 2013-2014
Science & Technology Center in Ukraine / Academy of Sciences of Moldova
5807 Instrumental support for complex applications porting to the regional HPC infrastructure (in cooperation with the Moldova State University and the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of ASM) 2013-2015
EAP.NIG 982702 New RENAM-RoEduNet gateway based on CWDM technologies implementation 2009-2010
NIG 982517 Silk NetAcad Alliance 2006-2008
NIG 982338 Creation of Infrastructure for CERTs in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and their Initial Operation 2006-2008
NIG980321 RENAM 5Ghz – band wireless Network Construction 2004-2005
NIG979922 Providing satellite Internet Access for RENAM Network Academic Community 2003-2004
NIG978385 RENAM-RoEduNet networks direct link and gateway construction 2001-2003
NIG977228 RENAM Network-Second Stage 2000-2003
NIG975476 The Informational Corporate Network of the “Politehnica” Community 1998-2000
NIG972759 AMNET-Development of the Sciences and Educational Network in Moldova 1998-1999
NIG960520 Academy of Science of Moldova Networking Project (AMNET) 1996-1997
EURASIA Foundation
K96-0919 Академическая научная информационная сеть (АНИС) 1996-1997
SOROS Foundation
  Internet pentru Moldova (MoldNet) 1995-1998