
News: EOSC EU Node services available for European research and education community

EOSC EU Node services available for European research and education community

On October 22, 2024 the European Commission announced the official launch of the EOSC EU Node services, marking a critical milestone in its goal to accelerate the adoption of Open Science. Serving as a connection point to the emerging EOSC ecosystem, EOSC EU Node is both a platform and an information gateway helping bring together digital research infrastructure across Europe.

The full deployment of the EOSC EU Node includes a robust set of services that address key challenges in modern research workflows, allowing users to operate efficiently within data-intensive environments. The following 6 services are now live:

These services not only facilitate collaboration across borders, but also enable researchers to work with large-scale data, develop advanced simulations, and execute complex computations – all within a secure and highly integrated environment.

The EOSC EU Node User Access Policy defines the access groups, their corresponding access rights, service limits, and virtual credit allocation policies for the users. In particular, the policy outlines:

Credits are virtual, they have no monetary value. Credits are replenished to the default allocation every three months (90 days) period.

Representatives of the research and education community from Moldova – students, academic staff and scientific researchers – can access the above services, being authenticated via eduGAIN inter-federation by their university federated Identity Provider (IdP). In case you do not have a federated IdP, please reach out to us at leaf@renam.md to become part of the LEAF national identity federation (MoLdovan ResEarch and EducAtion Identity Federation).