
News: International conference for the 25th anniversary of RENAM – Registration is open

International conference for the 25th anniversary of RENAM – Registration is open

We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence in National Research and Education’, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the National Research and Education Network RENAM, organised by RENAM Association, Moldova State University and the pan-European academic network GÉANT with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the EU funded project ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’.

Over the years RENAM, by developing a modern electronic communications infrastructure, has become a reliable provider of ‘spectrum’ connectivity (the first ever in the Republic of Moldova) and services that support the digitalisation strategy in the domain of education and scientific research. Through its connection to the high-speed GÉANT network, RENAM facilitates international cooperation for the national research and education community.

This conference offers a significant opportunity to learn about the latest successful developments in research and educational networking, e-infrastructures, digitalisation and scientific-educational collaboration. Participants will have the possibility to engage with experts in the field and establish new sustainable international partnerships.

The conference agenda is nearly finalised and will feature presentations by the GÉANT Association, the National Research and Education Networks of Romania, Ukraine and other European countries, as well as national and international experts.

Please register via the following link: https://events.geant.org/event/1641/

Registration is open until 2 October 2024, room capacity is limited and participation requests are subject to approval by the Organsing Committee.

For additional information, do not hesitate to contact us at events@renam.md.

We look forward to welcoming you in October!

Organsing Committee
International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence
in National Research and Education’