5 reasons to attend EaPEC 2018 in Chisinau, 17-18 October
There’s only a short time left to register for this year’s Eastern Partnership E-infrastructures Conference EaPEC 2018, which will be hosted by RENAM in Chisinau, Moldova on 17-18 October. If you haven’t registered yet, here are great reasons why you should: 1. Network EaPEC 2018 provides a great opportunity to network…
Register: Eastern Partnership E-infrastructures Conference – 17-18 October, Chisinau
The Republic of Moldova will welcome you to its heart, the capital city of Chisinau, for the 3rd Eastern Partnership E-infrastructures Conference EaPEC 2018. Registration is open and policy makers, research managers and experts on networking, cultural heritage, and high- performance computing for research and education are invited to participate,…
Academia de Muzica din Talin si Academia de Muzica Teatru si Arte Plastice
Pe data 05 inie 2018 RENAM In parteneriat cu Academia de Muzica din Talin si Academia de Muzica Teatru si Arte Plastice din Moldova au avut in intilnire in cadrul carea sa discutat despre posibilitatea de a implementa in Moldova proiectul Lolaс care utilizind rețelele de mare viteză, RENAM si…
Participation of Moldovan Researchers at the European HPC Summit Week 2018
On May 28 – June 1, 2018 the European HPC Summit Week 2018 (EHPCSW18) took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was organized by PRACE, and hosted by PRACE’s Slovenian Member – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The EHPCSW18 brought together the main European HPC stakeholders, from technology suppliers…
RENAM participation at “e-Infrastructures for Excellent Science in Southeast Europe and Eastern Mediterranean”
On May 15-16, 2018 the International Conference “e-Infrastructures for Excellent Science in Southeast Europe and Eastern Mediterranean” took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was organized by the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with VMware company, in the framework of the H2020 Vi-SEEM…
EYR programme fosters international research and collaborations
On May 10, 2018, Igbal Safarov, a researcher at the Utrecht University School of Governance (the Netherlands), visited RENAM. A meeting with Dr. Peter Bogatencov, Executive Vice-Director of RENAM, Dr. Grigore Secrieru, Chairman of the Managing Board of RENAM, and Dr. Igor Cojocaru, Director of the Information Society Development Institute,…
Participarea Asociației RENAM la celebrarea Zilei Europei 2018
RENAM a participat la celebrarea Zilei Europei, ce a avut loc pe 12 mai 2018 în Chișinău. Cu această ocazie, tradiționalul Orășel European a fost organizat în Grădina Publică „Ştefan cel Mare” din centrul capitalei. La inaugurarea oficială a Orășelului European a participat conducerea țării, reprezentanți ai Guvernului, Delegația UE…
12-13 mai 2018 – Orăşelul European 2018
O nouă ediție a Orășelului European, organizată de Delegația Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova, va avea loc pe 12-13 mai 2018, în Grădina Publică „Ştefan cel Mare” din Chișinău. Evenimentul va avea loc cu ocazia marcării Zilei Europei. În cadrul Orăşelului European va fi amplasat și cortul AO RENAM. Aici…
Workshop „EU4Digital: Innovation & Startup Ecosystems”, Chisinau, Moldova
On April 23, 2018 Moldova hosted for the first time Workshop „EU4Digital: Innovation & Startup Ecosystems” of the EaP Panel on the Harmonisation of Digital Markets (HDM). The main goal of the event was to share experiences and best practices on ICT innovation and start-ups development between the Eastern Partnership…
RENAM participation at the international conference MITI2018
On April 19-21, 2018 the International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies dedicated to the illustrious scientist Valentin Belousov (MITI2018) took place in Alecu Russo Balti State University (Moldova). It was organised in cooperation with Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (Chisinau,…