

GN5-1 Research And Education Networking – GÉANT 2023-2024

GN5-1 Research And Education Networking – GÉANT

Acronym: GN5-1 Grant Agreement No: 101100680 Period of project implementation: January 01, 2023 – December 31, 2024 In January 2023 GÉANT entered a new era with the start of GN5-1: the next stage in the long-running and transformative GÉANT Project that has supported Europe’s research and education communities for over 20 years. With 37 project partners (together with the GÉANT Association) representing all of Europe’s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) the GÉANT Project is a highly successful example of pan-European collaboration. GN5-1 is one of the first in a series of projects foreseen under GN5-FPA, the 7-year strategic framework that outlines the overall direction, objectives, and impacts of individual projects within that time-frame as part of Horizon Europe – the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. Its sister project, GN5-IC1, started in late 2022 with a focus on intercontinental connectivity.

European Commission

EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect) 2020-2025

EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)

Acronym: EaPConnect Grant Agreement No: ENI/2019/407-452 Period of project implementation: July 01, 2020 – June 30, 2025 The ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’ project delivers digital infrastructure and solutions to the research and education communities in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine: establishing and operating a high-capacity broadband Internet network for research and education; integrating the national research and education networks with the pan-European GÉANT network, decreasing the digital divide; facilitating the participation of EaP scientists, students and academics in global R&E collaborations; deploying services that facilitate this global collaboration, and stimulating integration with GÉANT and other European e-infrastructure services; building knowledge, skills and community through workshops, training, mentorships, conferences and other events and initiatives. EaPConnect works to ensure the long-term sustainability of its partners and its results, raising their visibility and showing their value through its communications, outreach and engagement activities. These activities include: developing marketing communications skills and contacts; participating in international events and working groups; outreach to potential users of our networks and services. EaPConnect is managed by networking organisation GÉANT in collaboration with the NRENs in the six partner countries. EaPConnect is funded by…

European Commission, Cross-Border Cooperation Programs

Investigation and elaboration the integrated infrastructure of the unified environment “cloud computing” to support Open Science 2021-2022

Investigation and elaboration the integrated infrastructure of the unified environment “cloud computing” to support Open Science

Project code: 21.70086.9ȘD Period of project implementation: March 01, 2021 – December 31, 2022 Project leader: Dr. Boris Hîncu Moldova State University (USM) and RENAM Association jointly realize the goal of developing and providing resources of the innovative federated Cloud environment that ensures the efficient use of available hard and soft resources to promote the concept of Open Science, development of digital technologies for research and education (R&E) and solving problems that require high-performance computing resources and processing of large amounts of data. The project aims to investigate and develop a computing infrastructure that realizes three service models (software as a service – SasS, platform as a service – PasS, infrastructure as a service – IasS) that uses multiprocessor clusters of USM, RENAM and the Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMI) as integrated distributed computing infrastructure. This will allow to create a Cloud service oriented on variety types of jobs and suitable for the support of Open Science. To achieve this, an analysis of the resources of the parallel clusters of USM, RENAM and IMI will be performed in order to share resources in coordinated and secure manner. Optimal configurations of hard and soft resources of the…

National Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects

National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe (NI4OS-Europe) 2019-2022

National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe (NI4OS-Europe)

The goal of NI4OS-Europe is to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science. Th project focuses on three strategic lines of action: - Support the development and inclusion of the national Open Science Cloud initiatives in 15 Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC governance - Instill within the community the EOSC philosophy and FAIR principles for data Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability - Provide technical and policy support for on-boarding of service providers into EOSC, including generic services (compute, data storage, data management), thematic services, repositories and data sets. NI4OS-Europe will facilitate access to infrastructures, data, resources and services for users to benefit from know-how sharing and exploitation, thus creating opportunities for increasing innovation capacity of regional Science. In parallel, NI4OS-Europe collaboration with other EOSC-related projects will leverage developments in the European Open Science landscape, contributing in a decisive manner to the EOSC vision of open and inclusive science and innovation.

European Commission

GN4-3 Research And Education Networking – GÉANT 2019-2022

GN4-3 Research And Education Networking – GÉANT

The GN4-3 is the proposed project for the third Specific Grant Agreement under the 68-month Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) established between the GÉANT Consortium and the European Commission in April 2015. This third phase of implementing the FPA is proposed to last 48 months and is a natural continuation of the work in GN4-2, building on the results and maintaining the overall objective of helping to raise European research to the next level, promoting scientific excellence, access and re-use of research data. GÉANT’s world-class, high-speed backbone provides seamless and secure connectivity with 42 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), reaching over 50 million users in 10,000 institutions across Europe, and more than 100 countries worldwide through links with other regions. The core backbone is capable of multiple 100 Gbps transmission over each fibre link, and Terabit connectivity can be achieved by a single node. The safe and rapid connection of users to each other, to the increasing amounts of data generated by research, and to the high-performance computing capacity required by collaborative research form the foundation of the GÉANT partnership. GÉANT services offer convenient, fast and reliable access to European High Performance Computing facilities, cloud services for the research and…

European Commission

eduroam 2012-present


The eduroam initiative started in 2003 within TERENA’s Task Force on Mobility, TF-Mobility. The task force created a test bed to demonstrate the feasibility of combining a RADIUS-based infrastructure with 802.1X standard technology to provide roaming network access across research and education networks. The initial test was conducted among five institutions located in the Netherlands, Finland, Portugal, Croatia and the UK. Later, other national research and education networking organisations in Europe embraced the idea and gradually started joining the infrastructure, which was then named eduroam. eduroam allows any eduroam-enabled user to get network access at any institution connected to eduroam. Depending on local policies at the visited institutions, eduroam participants may also have additional resources (for example printers) at their disposal. Today eduroam is a federation of federations (confederation); single federations are run at national level and they are all connected to a regional confederation.

World NREN Community

Eastern Partnership Connect (EaPConnect) 2015-2020

Eastern Partnership Connect (EaPConnect)

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a regional and multilateral initiative between the EU and its six Eastern partners: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The partnership aims to provide support and assistance for reforms in the region in the fields of democracy, human rights, market economy, sustainability and governance. The Eastern Partnership shares mutual interests for the benefit of its citizens and has a vision to bring the six neighbours closer to the EU. Following the Riga Summit in May 2015 and the 1st EaP Ministerial meeting on The Digital Economy in June 2015, the Eastern Partnership reaffirmed its commitment towards the Single Digital Market. As part of its digital agenda the Eastern Partnership recognises the importance of e-Infrastructures in: Promoting digital inclusion. Stopping brain drain. Procuring and federating access to high-quality scientific content. Enabling participation of EaP countries in Horizon2020 projects. E​aPConnect will realise this vision for the research and education community across the region and beyond.

European Commission, Cross-Border Cooperation Programs

GN4-2 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT 2016 -2018

GN4-2 Research and Education Networking – GÉANT

GN4-2 is the proposed project for the second Specific Grant Agreement under the 68-month Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) established between the GÉANT Consortium and the European Commission in April 2015. This second phase of implementing the FPA will raise European research to the next level by promoting scientific excellence, access and re-use of research data. It will also drive European-wide cost efficiencies in scientific infrastructure by promoting interoperability with other e-infrastructures on an unprecedented scale. The FPA objective for the GÉANT Partnership is to contribute to effective European research by making Europe the best-connected region in the world. GÉANT must offer European researchers the network, communications facilities and application access that ensure the digital continuum necessary to conduct world-class research in collaboration with their peers, regardless of geographical location. GÉANT will maintain the operational excellence of the established GÉANT services, while achieving economies on the costs of the backbone network. The reliable, secure and state-of-the-art network services offered to researchers and other network users across Europe will remain exceptional. Massive data-transfer capacities required by extreme-scale instruments and by the penetration of big data in many areas of science will be prototyped with due consideration to the specific security and deployment…

European Commission

HP-SEE  Research Communities 2010-2012

HP-SEE Research Communities

Project Overview HP-SEE, High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities will link existing and upcoming HPC facilities in South East Europe in a common infrastructure, and it will provide operational solutions for it. As a complementary action, the project will establish and maintain a GÉANT link for Southern Caucasus. The initiative will open the South East European HPC infrastructure to a wide range of new user communities, including those of less-resourced countries, fostering collaboration and providing advanced capabilities to researchers, with an emphasis on strategic groups in computational physics, computational chemistry and life sciences. HP-SEE receives EC support through FP7 under the “Research Infrastructures” action. The HP-SEE initiative builds on the lasting cooperation in the SEE region, embodied in a number of eInfrastructure EC-funded initiatives, aiming at equal participation of less-resourced countries of the region in European trends. The SEEREN initiative established a regional network and the SEE-GRID initiative the regional Grid, while BSI project has established GÉANT link to Caucasus. The SEE-LIGHT project is working towards establishing a dark-fibre backbone that will interconnect most National Research and Education Networks in the Balkan region. HP-SEE aspires to contribute to the stabilisation and development of South-East Europe, by overcoming…

European Comission

European Grid Initiative 2010-2014

European Grid Initiative

EGI : advanced computing for research EGI is a publicly-funded federation of over 300 data and computing data centres spread across Europe and worldwide. EGI has over 45,000 users from a wide range of fields. More about use cases. EGI provides access to over 650,000 logical CPUs and 500 PB of disk and tape storage. More about the federation. EGI offers a wide range of services for compute, storage, data and support. More about EGI Services. A short history of EGI   EGI Foundation The federation is coordinated by the EGI Foundation (also known as EGI.eu), created to coordinate the infrastructure on behalf of the participants of the EGI Council. More about the EGI Foundation More about the EGI Council   Vision Researchers from all disciplines have easy, integrated and open access to the advanced scientific computing capabilities, resources and expertise needed to collaborate and to carry out data/compute intensive science and innovation.   Mission Create and deliver open solutions for science and research infrastructures by federating digital capabilities, resources and expertise between communities and across national boundaries.

European Comission