
Infrastructure and Services - News


Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni 2020 26/11/2020

Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni 2020

În Republica Moldova, ediția din 2020 a evenimentului Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni va avea loc online, pe 27 noiembrie 2020, începând cu ora 16:00. Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni este o inițiativă a Uniunii Europene sprijinită prin Acțiunile Marie Skłodowska-Curie, care își propune să aducă cercetătorii mai aproape de publicul larg, să demonstreze…

Первый национальный тренинг NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций успешно прошел в Молдове 29/09/2020

Первый национальный тренинг NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций успешно прошел в Молдове

103 человек зарегистрировались, и 68 из них приняли участие в режиме онлайн в первом национальном тренинге NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций в области открытой науки в Молдове, состоявшимся 24 сентября 2020 года, чтобы углубить свои знания по тематике, связанной с открытой наукой. Мероприятие было организовано Ассоциацией научно-образовательных сетей Молдовы (Research and…

SME/HPC Summer school 08/09/2020

SME/HPC Summer school

Due to the high interest SME/HPC project is reopening its SME/HPC Summer School in order to disseminate High-Performance Computing (HPC) knowledge to both young and advanced researchers as future HPC practitioners, hence with the need to stay up-to-date with the current trends in HPC or to learn about them. Three-day…

Национальный тренинг NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций в области открытой науки в Молдове — регистрация открыта 24/08/2020

Национальный тренинг NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций в области открытой науки в Молдове — регистрация открыта

24 сентября 2020 года состоится национальный тренинг NI4OS-Europe по развитию компетенций в области открытой науки в Молдове. Это мероприятие является частью серии национальных тренингов по развитию компетенций в области открытой науки, организованных в рамках проекта NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – Национальные инициативы для открытой науки в…

OCRE to Launch New Open Funding Call for Cloud & Digital Services in Support of Research Activities 17/07/2020

OCRE to Launch New Open Funding Call for Cloud & Digital Services in Support of Research Activities

On July 15, 2020 OCRE announced the publication of its First Open Funding Call focused on consumable commercial cloud and digital services for researchers, available via its frameworks. It will open on September 15, 2020 and will last for six weeks with no extensions currently foreseen. Under this new funding…

Cервис по поддержке видеоконференций на базе платформы BigBlueButton 03/07/2020

Cервис по поддержке видеоконференций на базе платформы BigBlueButton

RENAM запускает новый сервис по поддержке видеоконференций для научных и образовательных организаций Республики Молдова и предлагает следующие варианты готовых конфигураций на базе платформы BigBlueButton (BBB): 1) Общий сервер видеоконференций на виртуальной машине на канале 10 Гбит с независимыми пользователями при администрировании сервера со стороны RENAM. 2) Выделенный сервер видеоконференций на…

EaPConnect enters 2nd phase, building on past success to support R&E in the Eastern Partnership 01/07/2020

EaPConnect enters 2nd phase, building on past success to support R&E in the Eastern Partnership

The Eastern Partnership Connect project, EaPConnect, enters a second phase from 1 July 2020. Coordinated by the GÉANT Association, the 60-month EU-funded ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities’ project (EaPConnect2) will bring together the research and education (R&E) communities from European Union and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and reduce the…

In The Field: Supporting Medical Examinations in Moldova 24/06/2020

In The Field: Supporting Medical Examinations in Moldova

Many fields of medicine rely on imaging internal body structures and tissues as a tool to aid clinical analysis, diagnosis and treatment. But collecting, storing, and accessing medical images that are integrated with the medical records of individual patients in hospital information systems is a challenge. With the support of…

Apply and gain Fast Track Access to NI4OS-Europe resources 08/06/2020

Apply and gain Fast Track Access to NI4OS-Europe resources

NI4OS-Europe project opens a Fast Track Access Channel to its services, tools and software for the scientific communities that perform extensive research to tackle the COVID-19. The scientific community is relying on Open Science to support and accelerate the ongoing research on the COVID-19. The relevant research papers and underlying…

Masa rotundă online „Instruire la distanță în regim online. Preluarea de bune practici” 19/05/2020

Masa rotundă online „Instruire la distanță în regim online. Preluarea de bune practici”

Asociația RENAM, cu participarea reprezentanților din departamentele de Tehnologii Informaționale universitare, organizează masă rotundă online (conferință video) pe problematica instruirii la distanta în regim online. Tematica mesei rotunde vizează schimbul de experiențe, platforme utilizate, avantaje, probleme, preluarea de bune practici, propuneri. PROGRAM 1. Experiența universitară Vasile Chetroi, Șef Direcția Tehnologia…