
Support of Research and Education

National Research and Educational Network of Moldova RENAM in accordance with the approved Accessible Use Policy provides connectivity and informational services for research institutions, universities, secondary schools, hospitals and other medical institutions, libraries and museums.
RENAM Association has built and permanently develops its own networking infrastructure that allowed creating 12 communication nodes in two main cities – Chisinau and Balti. 23 Institutes of Academy of Sciences, 10 leading Universities of Moldova, more than 10 colleges, 3 hospitals and some governmental establishments are connected now to RENAM infrastructure. RENAM network provides connectivity to about 5000 scientists and professors (75% of all researchers), 1000 Ph.D. students and more than 80 000 university and colleges students (85% of all students). RENAM infrastructure covers organizations placed in other localities of Moldova. The network node was realized in Balti State University.
In years 2002-2004 due to successful realization of NATO project there was installed more than 20 km of optical cable for connection all principal research and higher education institutions in Chisinau City. The municipal fiber optics infrastructure has ensured utilization of modern communication technologies, implementation of main communication highways with internal capacity that can satisfy customers’ needs for some years ahead, allowed accumulating the necessary experience and raising the skills of RENAM personnel that permitted to elaborate new perspective projects based on modern fiber optics technologies.
The mentioned project has found its prolongation in 2005-2006 when an Agreement between RENAM and State Enterprise “The Center of Special Telecommunications” was signed that permitted to extend RENAM fiber optics infrastructure in Chisinau on more than 10 km. Core networking backbone in Chisinau is based on dark fiber highways and Gbit Ethernet technology and provides high speed access to the National IX point. Separate and far located campuses are connected by wireless point-to-point connections with up to 24 Mbps capacity. Peripheral research and educational centers are linked using microwave radio-relay technology and “Moldtelecom” S.A. leased communication fluxes.
All GRID clusters and GRID nodes that are deploying now within SEE-GRID2 project in Moldova are included In RENAM optical MAN backbone.